Bioregional Urbanism 1.0
Adaptive Resilience for Cities, Regions & Planet
by Philip N. Loheed, AIA, NCARB
Sarah Howard, LEED AP, MPP
Ninian R.Stein, PhD
Publish date: 2020
Libri Press, UK
Measurably connecting our everyday decisions to the health of the bioregional-global system

The Bioregional Urbanism Method
We are in an important moment of transition. We live in an increasingly urban, modern, technologically advanced world. Yet, we are still inextricably connected to the ecosystems, life systems, and bioregions that support us.
To address climate change and achieve the UN Sustainable goals, we need to optimize all of our efforts. We need tools and practices that enable us to measurably align our lives and decisions to the health of the planet, ensuring that we are building resilience and sustainability together. We need to engage all types of knowledge, wisdom, disciplines, and communities as we build and test solutions.
Bioregional Urbanism is a rigorous collaborative method that helps us work together to innovate and measurably improve the global system, bioregion by bioregion.
As a transdisciplinary approach, it methodologically connects design, policy, science, community, and industry. It thus engages the knowledge of each person, community, organization, business, municipality to benefit the larger system.
The Bioregional Systems Index tool measures the bioregional system as part of a global system. With this, we can benchmark our individual and collective decisions to the health of the bioregion and our common resources.
Contact Us
Earthos Institute, Inc.
1310 Broadway Suite 103, Somerville MA
Philip N. Loheed, AIA, NCARB, assoc ASLA
President, Earthos
Sarah Howard, LEED AP, MPP
Executive Director, Earthos